Blog Articles

Knee-Deep in June: Summer Camp at Shaker Village

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming & Marketing To think of the stunted and withered childhood of our hot ...


Lucy Dever, Collections Specialist We don’t tend to give the mail a lot of thought these days. With email, cellphones, ...


Lucy Dever, Collections Specialist A Shaker Elder and two Eldresses stand on the side steps of the Trustees’ Office, once ...

May Is For The Birds

Laura Baird, Stewardship Manager Spring is one of the best times on the Preserve at Shaker Village. Our forests suddenly ...

Carriage House Restoration

Hannah Williams, Development Coordinator As we shared in the December year in review post, almost a year ago, the nineteenth-century ...

2023: A Year In Review

Melissa Williams, Development Coordinator As December draws to a close, it is our tradition to look back at all the ...

Sticking the Landing

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing Back in May, we introduced you to our plans for Shaker ...

Shaker Village Farm Meat Shares

J. Michael Moore, Farm Manager  There is a history of agriculture at Pleasant Hill that is deeply rooted in the ...

Environmental Education Field Trips

Pony Meyer, Program SpecialistLaura Baird, Stewardship Manager Shaker Village boasts 2,000 acres of Nature Preserve full of educational potential. We ...

Gotta Have Faith

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing Excitement and Worry Each time a new exhibit installation takes place ...

The Trail West

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing Trailhead on the Move When Shaker Village introduced the list of ...

Long-Range Planning: Project Progress Report

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing Two months ago we introduced you to a project list proposed ...

From Office Space to Quiet Comfort

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing Personnel Only One goal of the Long-Range Planning process at Shaker ...

The Believers

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing Telling the Story Among the list of 34 projects that has ...

True North

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing This is the eighth article in an ongoing series outlining long-range ...

The Natural Element

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing This is the seventh article in an ongoing series outlining long-range ...

A Lot to Live Up To

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing This is the sixth article in an ongoing series outlining long-range ...

A House of Dignity and Charm

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing This is the fifth article in an ongoing series outlining long-range ...

The Power of Play

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing This is the fourth article in an ongoing series outlining long-range ...

Landing in the Right Place

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing This is the third article in an ongoing series outlining long-range ...

Pieces of a Puzzle

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing This is the second in an ongoing series of articles outlining ...

Preserving the Past, Planning for the Future

Creating a New Long-Range Plan for Shaker Village Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing For most visitors ...

The Origins of the North Lot Dwelling

Jordan Lewis, Interpreter Early Homes In the first decade after the arrival of Shaker missionaries in Mercer County, before the ...

Searching for Sister Mary

Maggie McAdams, Education and Engagement Manager Who was Sister Mary, and why are we trying to find her? A born ...

2022: A Year in Review

Melissa Williams, Development Coordinator 2022 has been an incredible year at Shaker Village. There is so much to celebrate and ...

The Gift of Shaker Village

Shannon Timmons, Annual Passholder Program Coordinator As we enter the month of November, many of us turn our thoughts to ...

A Look Inside Little English’s Fall Photoshoot

A few months ago, Shaker Village hosted Little English, a female-led Lexington, Ky. based children’s clothing line, for their fall ...

Chef Amber Hokams Returns to Our Table

Shelby Jones, Director of Communications Fall has officially arrived at Shaker Village and we’re celebrating with a full lineup of ...

The Tool that Empowers: Shaker Literacy

Maggie McAdams, Education and Engagement Manager & Laura Webb, Program Team Coordinator The Shakers, as a religious communal society, were ...

Monarch Migration

Laura Baird, Stewardship Manager The monarch butterfly is one of the most celebrated insect species in North America and a ...

The Early Birds Get the Birds

Ben Leffew, Preserve Manager & Laura Baird, Assistant Preserve Manager In 2009 Shaker Village got out of the industrial farming ...

What we refuse to destroy…

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Public Programming and Marketing "In the end, our society will be defined not only by ...

Spring Harvest at The Trustees’ Table

Executive Chef Dylan Morris As we roll into growing season here at Shaker Village, I’m looking forward to the early ...

Taking to the Trails

Laura Baird, Assistant Preserve Manager We’re on a constant mission to improve our trail system to make it safer for ...

Community Supported Agriculture at Shaker Village

Kitty Durham, Garden Supervisor Spring has officially sprung! Sunday, March 20th marked the Vernal Equinox, the first day of astronomical ...

Building Rock Fences

The role of African American Stonemasons in the Bluegrass. Pony Meyer, PhD, Program SpecialistEm J Parsley, MFA, Village Interpreter Shaker ...

Shaken or Stirred at Shaker Village

Shelby Jones, Director of Communications The holiday season is all about gathering together with family and friends, and it usually ...


Barry Stumbo, Chief Development OfficerMelissa Williams, Development Coordinator It’s a festive time of year at Shaker Village! Most of the ...

Extending Gratitude in a Challenging Year

Melissa Williams, Development Coordinator “When we sow words and deeds of kindness, we will rejoice in the time of harvest ...

Thanksgiving Tips and Tricks

Shelby Jones, Director of Communications Thanksgiving is just around the corner and The Trustees’ Table is ready to dish out ...

Putting the Puzzle Together

Billy Rankin, VP of Public Programming and Marketing This is the sixth part of a behind-the-scenes look at the development ...

Celebrating National Arts and Humanities Month

Melissa Williams, Development Coordinator Imagine yourself standing on the turnpike here at Shaker Village. Close your eyes for a moment ...

Access for All

Billy Rankin, Vice President of Marketing and Public Programming 34 historic structures. 36 miles of hiking trails. 3,000 acres of ...

It Takes a Village to Sustain a Village

Melissa Williams, Development Coordinator “We are so indebted to the fact that they had that foresight and that passion to ...

Finding Relevance in a Changing World

Maynard Crossland, President & CEO Historic sites are very traditional places. Obviously the missions of these institutions are based on ...

One Building at a Time

Preserving and Interpreting Pleasant Hill Maggie McAdams, Education and Engagement Manager Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill is the largest National ...

Saving Shakertown

It takes a Village to save a Village. Maggie McAdams, Education and Engagement Manager After the last Pleasant Hill Shaker ...

Navigating A Year of Change

Melissa Williams, Development Coordinator Today marks one year since Shaker Village reopened to the public after a temporary, three-month closure ...

Funding Historic Preservation

Melissa Williams, Development Coordinator Planning for Preservation The master preservation plan for Shaker Village lays out short, mid and long-term ...

If You Build It…

Billy Rankin, VP of Public Programming and Marketing This is the fifth part of our behind-the-scenes look at the development ...

Preserving Shaker Village One Repair at a Time

Shelby Jones, Director of Communications May is recognized nationally as Preservation Month, and has been celebrated in some form since ...

Preserving the Shaker Legacy

Melissa Williams, Development Coordinator It’s fascinating to look through photographs from the time between when the Shakers closed  their covenant ...

Holding Up The Mirror

Billy Rankin, VP of Public Programming and Marketing This is the fourth part of our behind-the-scenes look at the development ...

Communal Workspace – Then & Now

The Ministry’s Workshop at 200 Maggie McAdams, Education and Engagement Manager The Ministry's Workshop today. “October 26, 1820: the Ministry’s ...

Spring Ephemerals on The Preserve

Laura Baird, Assistant Preserve Manager Spring is here and our forests have once again been transformed by delicate little wildflowers ...

Visiting New England Shaker Sites, Part II

Jacob Glover, PhD, Director of Public Programs and Education A few weeks ago we began our blog series on our trip ...

African American Experiences at Pleasant Hill: Patsy Roberts (Williamson)

Holly Wood, Music Program Specialist "Mother's Good Drink" note the attribution in the corner which says, "Patsy Williamson coloured Sister." ...

Making Connections

Billy Rankin, VP of Public Programming and Marketing This is the third part of our behind-the-scenes look at the development ...

Visiting New England Shaker Sites

Jacob Glover, PhD, Director of Public Programs and Education Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill staff prepare to give a presentation ...

A Story to Tell

Billy Rankin, VP of Public Programming and Marketing Last month we told you about a new exhibit being developed at ...

Wedding Planning In A Pandemic

Rebecca Wilson,Senior Catering & Event Sales Manager Something that everyone has had to navigate during the global pandemic is how ...

George Washington & The Shakers

Jacob Glover, PhD, Director of Public Programs and Education President George Washington While it was not unheard of for the ...

Lambing Season On The Farm

Michael Moore, Farm Manager One of the most exciting times of the year is upon us and it’s shaping up ...

The Saving of Seeds

Brandi Duff, Farm Assistant For more than two centuries, seeds have been saved from the vegetable gardens at Pleasant Hill ...

Today in Pleasant Hill History

Jacob Glover, PhD, Director of Public Programs and Education On January 24, 1871, Pleasant Hill took the step of expelling ...

Local Economies, Global Impacts

Billy Rankin, VP of Public Programming and Marketing Have you visited Shaker Village in the last few years? If so, ...

The End of the Beginning

Laura Webb, Program Specialist That’s a wrap, folks! My time officially working on the NEH grant project has come to ...

Ready For Its Close-Up

Laura Webb, Program Specialist Happy New Year, y’all! Did you miss me? The NEH grant series took a hiatus last ...

2020 – A Year Like No Other

Melissa Donahoo, Development Coordinator The staff and administration at Shaker Village entered 2020 with a high level of energy and ...

Today in Pleasant Hill History – December 6th

Jacob A. Glover, PhD, Director of Public Programs and Education "This is a remarkable cold windy day.  This day one of ...

A Passion for a Special Place

Margaret Graves, Campaign Director Ellen Chapman has a special passion for Shaker Village. She first visited Shaker Village as a ...

Today in Pleasant Hill History – November 22

Jacob A. Glover, PhD, Director of Public Programs and Education We’re unveiling a new series this afternoon that we are ...

Photo Finish

Laura Webb, Program Specialist It’s the penultimate month of our NEH grant project! Time sure flies, doesn’t it? Since July, ...

Prying with a Purpose

Laura Webb, Program Specialist "Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. " - Zora Neale ...

An Enduring Legacy

Jacob Glover, Ph.D., Director of Public Programs and Education "Great architecture has this capacity to adapt to changing functional uses ...

Donor Impact

Melissa Donahoo, Development Coordinator In the 1970s, the trees in the Shaker Village Apple Orchard were planted in honor of ...

Out of the Blue

Laura Webb, Program Specialist What does the color combination of blue and white remind you of? Perhaps it is Blue ...

Built For A Purpose

Jacob Glover, PhD, Director of Public Programs and Education “…Shrieks and yells followed in alternate succession, till by their violence, ...

“Could Scarcely Find / A Theme More Puzzling…”

Laura Webb, Program Specialist Hi again! The NEH digitization project is chugging right along. Last week, I finished editing object ...

Building a Masterpiece

Jacob A. Glover, PhD, Director of Public Programs and Education “…The brethren started into the woods, about 3 ½ miles ...

A Benign Spit-Shine

Laura Webb, Program Specialist Hello again, folks! We’re now halfway through our NEH grant timeline. I’m approaching the home stretch ...

Shirred and Swirled

Laura Webb, Program Specialist In a previous post, I mentioned that sifting through our object records let me find large ...

Curses and Serendipity: Artifact Homecomings

Laura Webb, Program Specialist Warning – The following post shares the stories of historic artifacts that have, in the past, ...

Pieces of Pleasant Hill: Objects + Stories

By Maggie McAdams, Education and Engagement Manager Do you have a favorite Shaker artifact? When you think of Pleasant Hill, ...

Past “Perfection,” Depth and Breadth

Laura Webb, Program Specialist Hello again! Welcome to the second installment of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) grant ...

Sharing the Archives, One Bite at a Time

Laura Webb, Program Specialist "I visited here in 1993 and remember seeing an interesting clothes press. Where is that now, ...

A Gift to be Simple

Maggie McAdams, Assistant Program Manager “’Tis a gift to be simple, ‘tis a gift to be free, ‘tis a gift ...

“There being a contagious disease…”

Aaron Genton, Collections Manager Social distancing.Stay at home orders.No school.No worship.Essential activities only.Take care of each other. Sound familiar? While ...

Cooking is an Art

Jacob Glover, PhD., Program Manager “Indeed, cooking is an art just as much as painting a picture or making a ...

Kindly Welcome

Maggie McAdams, Assistant Program Manager “… We observed one very pleasant feature… conspicuous above many other excellencies, nearly every person ...

“…the Department for the Sick…”

Jacob Glover, PhD. Program Manager "…We visited the department for the sick which was under the charge of Jane Ryan.…The ...

A Night of Terror

Jacob Glover, PhD. Program Manager “About midnight last night, a band of mounted highway robbers, 6 in number, entered our ...

Gender Equality, In Theory: Sister Jane Sutton

Maggie McAdams, Assistant Program Manager This blog post is dedicated to Rebekah Roberts who sought the truth in the past, ...

Sister Charlotte Tann: Strengthened by Faith

Holly Wood, Music Program Specialist “And I am thankful I was called into the gospel when I was a child, ...

Mother Ann’s Mission: Calling and Controversy

Rebekah Roberts, Program Specialist Women in the 1700s were often considered the possessions and servants of men, but Ann Lee ...


Brandon Wilson, Program Specialist In 1808, Shaker missionaries hiked their way through Shawnee territory in the Indiana planes, on the ...

Donor Impact: Improvements to the Visitor Experience

Melissa Donahoo, Development Coordinator The Shakers practiced their faith at Pleasant Hill for more than a century, but their impact ...

The Proud Custodian of Shakertown’s Past

Brandon Wilson, Program Specialist Among Pleasant Hill’s most iconic residents was Philip West, a man whose habitation in the East ...


Brandon Wilson, Program Specialist Over the course of its history, the Shaker community at Pleasant Hill was the spiritual home ...

The Shaker Guest House

Jacob Glover, PhD., Program Manager “It was something out of a Faulkner novel, going there for dinner.” - Dick DeCamp, ...